In my previous posts, I reported about the madness that goes on in the development of CDISC (especially) lab test codes, and the problems related to the CDISC approach. For example, the CDISC approach does not allow to define tests like "maximum in the last 24 hours" or "average over the last 24 hours" (e.g. for vital signs temperature, blood pressure, or concentration of a substance in blood or urine). Such definitions are however an integral part of the LOINC coding system, over the "time aspect".
Now that the FDA has mandated the use of LOINC coding for laboratory tests, it would be expected that CDISC stops the development of an alternative system for lab tests. The latest CDISC controlled terminology (dated 2017-12-22) however again contains over 40 new lab test codes.
There are several reasons for this.
First of all, we need to take into account that CDISC lab test codes are NOT lab test codes, they only specify "what" is measured. This corresponds to the "analyte/component part" in LOINC. So, for example, the CDISC "GLUC" ("glucose") "test code" essentially represents hundreds of different tests where glucose is somehow (presence, qualitatively or quantitatively) measured. So, CDISC-CT is "post-coordinated", meaning that it needs to be combined with content from other variables to uniquely describe a test. In practice, however, this does not work: with the CDISC system, reviewers can never find out whether test A in one study of one sponsor is the same as test B in another study from another sponsor: only the LOINC code can do this, and this is exactly why the FDA started requiring LOINC coding for lab tests.
If we read the latest "Recommendations for submissions of LOINC codes", published by FDA, CDISC and the Regenstrief Institute, we read that even when LOINC codes are submitted, it is still mandatory to populate the CDISC-CT "lab test code" (which it isn't), and all other "classic" "identifying variables" such as the specimen, the method, etc.. I.m.o. this is stupid, as it adds redundancy to the record. For example, if the provided LOINC code has contents that deviate from the contents of LBTESTCD, LBSPEC, LBMETHOD, which of both then contains the truth? The LOINC code or the CDISC test code? I.m.o., this testifies that CDISC is still not ready for giving up it's own system (which is not a system, but just a list based on tradition), but needed to accept the decision of the FDA, though with displeasure.
One of the arguments of CDISC for their "postcoordination" approach has always been that "research is unique", "does not dictate any tests" and that for many lab tests in research, there is no LOINC code. The latter is essentially not correct, as I have found out in the recent years. I estimate that for over 80% (if not over 90%) of the "test" codes published, there is at least one LOINC code (often many more) in the LOINC system. As I stated, LBTESTCD essentially corresponds to the "analyte/component" part of the LOINC system, and my conservative estimate is that for over 98% of the CDISC "test codes", there is an entry in the "analyte/component" list of LOINC (the latter can be obtained as part of a separarte database from the LOINC website).
The real reason for CDISC not giving up their system is probably (besides "not invented here") that CDISC is sticking to the 8-character limit for LBTESTCD. The "analyte/component" part in LOINC does not have this limitation.
What we see in the newest (2017-12-22) version of the CDISC-CT for lab tests is that for almost each of the new terms (when looking at the "CDISC definition", a corresponding entry in the "analyte/component" part can be found. The only major difference is that CDISC then additionally assigns a <8-character code to it. So, we are seeing the CDISC LBTESTCD values evolving into an <8-character representation of the "analyte/component" part of LOINC - if it wasn't that yet.
In the next months, I want to try to do some research on how "equal" LBTESTCD/LBTEST is with the "analyte/component" part, using a quantitative approach, for example by text comparison techniques like by calculating the "Levenshtein distance" between the value of LBTEST (or the CDISC definition) and the "analyte/component" part of LOINC.
The hypothesis of my research will be that LBLOINC is nothing else than a copy of the "analyte/component" part of LOINC, but then restricted to 8-characters.
If the hypothesis is found to be true, we might as well replace LBTESTCD/LBTEST with the "analyte/component" part of LOINC if we do want to keep a "post-coordinated" approach for SDTM (which I doubt we really need). This essentially would mostly correspond to what I proposed a few years ago in my article "An Alternative CDISC-Submission Domain for Laboratory
Data (LB) for Use with Electronic Health Record Data", which i.m.o. combines "best of both worlds".
In order to have such a "best of both worlds" approach (my article can just be a starting point), we however need to remove the 8-character limitation on xxTESTCD, which is there for historical reasons only, and not for any technical reasons anymore. The SDTM team however seems not to be prepared to change anything there.
In my next blog entry, I will probably write something about the more than 230 "PK units" that have been added to the newest CT version, although there is a UCUM notation for each of them.
Unfortunately, the title of that post will probably also need to contain the wording "CDISC-CT madness" ...
Saturday, December 30, 2017
Sunday, December 17, 2017
The future of SDTM
Today, I looked into the newly published SDTM v.1.6 and the new SEND-IG-DART)
This new version is solely meant for SEND-DART (non-clinical sumission datasets: Developmental and Reproductive Toxicology). When going through both new standards, there were quite a number of very disturbing things (at least for me):
Short term actions
Once we are "freed" from SAS-XPT, we can take the next steps
Long term actions
This new version is solely meant for SEND-DART (non-clinical sumission datasets: Developmental and Reproductive Toxicology). When going through both new standards, there were quite a number of very disturbing things (at least for me):
- There are no machine-readable files. The SDTM v.1.6 comes as HTML, the SEND-IG-DART as a PDF. Essentially, this means a lot of frustrating copy-and-paste for those who want to implement these standards into their systems and software.
- As there is no machine-readable version, all the "rules" and "assumptions" are not machine-readable anyway, thus leaving them open for different interpretations. It is then also foreseeable that a certain company that is working for the FDA will "highjack" the interpretation of the rules and use it for commercial purposes.
- This version of SDTM is solely meant for SEND-DART. This is very worrying. SDTM which was named "SDS" (Submission Data Standard) in earlier days and has always be meant to be a "universal" model for both SDTM (human trials) as for SEND (non-clinical / preclinical studies). Here is the "big picture" (copied from the CDISC website):
When starting naming different "flavors" of the "universal" SDTM standard "versions", we are doing something really wrong. "Standards Versions" should be subsequent, a newer version replacing the older one. Unfortunately, this is not the case anymore. - We see more and more that some SDTM variables are only allowed/meant to be used in a single domain. Also here, some new veriables have been added which can only be used in one or only a few domains. For me, this evolution demostrates the failure of the SDTM model anyway.
- The model is again tightly coupled to the outdated SAS-XPT format: variable names and test codes not longer than 8 characters, labels not longer than 40 characters and values not longer than 200 characters. Only US-ASCII is allowed. Such a direct coupling between a model and a transport format is nowadays as an "absolute no-go" in modern informatics.
- As in prior versions, model and IG contain a lot of derived variables. As SDTM is essentially about "captured data", derived variables should not be in SDTM
- Also this version of SDTM sticks to "tables" (2-dimensional). Now, there is nothing against tables, but in order to guarantee high quality data, there should be explicit relations between the tables, without any data redundancy. This is what relational databases are based on.
SDTM however breaks almost every rule of a good relational database, with lots of data redundancy (inevitable leading to reduced data quality), with many unnecessary variables added "for the sake of ease of review" (sic), but essentially ruining the model.
Short term actions
- In case FDA and PMDA cannot guarantee that they will accept Dataset-XML very soon, replace SAS-XPT by a simple, easy-to-use, vendor-neutral format that does not overstrain FDA and PMDA.
It is now clear that FDA and PMDA do not have the capability (or do not want) to switch from XPT to the modern Dataset-XML format. Concerns about file sizes ("a submission might not fit on a memory stick") and inexperience with XML anyway look to be the current "show stoppers".
As a temporary solution (the "better than nothing solution") but already solving a lot of the limitations of SAS-XPT, a simple "bar-delimited" (also named "pipe-delimited") but UTF-8 encoded simple text files can be used ("HL7-v2 like"). For example (LB dataset):
Such datasets are very compact, on an average take only 25% of the corresponding SAS-XPT file size, and are easy to import into any software. There is no 8-, 40-, or 200-character limit, and can easily handle non-ASCII characters such as Spanish (USA) and Japanese (Japan) characters.
The metadata is all in the define.xml, but if also this is a problem for the systems at the regulatroy authorities, the first row can contain the variable names.
Acceptance for this format could (technically) easily be established in a period of 6 months or less. However, this step can be skipped when FDA and PMDA implement Dataset-XML within a reasonable (<2 years) time.
Once this done, we are at least freed from the "hostage" of the SAS-XPT format limitations, allowing us to take the next steps (SAS-XPT is currently the "show stopper" for any innovation). The acceptance of XPT should then be stopped within 2-3 years by the FDA and PMDA, to allow sponsors to adapt, this although "bar-delimited" and Dataset-XML files can easily be generated from XPT files.
- Stop developing controlled terminology for which there is considerably better controlled terminology in the healthcare world. This comprises controlled terminology for LBTESTCD, LBTEST and UNIT. Investigate whether this should also apply to other CDISC controlled terminology (e.g. microorganisms?).
This step does not mean that the use of the already developed terms is not allowed anymore, but it means that no effort is wasted in developing new terms anymore. Also remark that this may mean that some subteams are put on hold.
Once we are "freed" from SAS-XPT, we can take the next steps
- Decide which controlled terminology should be deprecated. For example, I expect the "COMPONENT" part of LOINC to be a better alternative for LBTESTCD/LBTEST. Databases for these are already available. Remark that "COMPONENT" in LOINC is limited to 255 characters in length, so considerably more than the ridiculous 8 characters in LBTESTCD. But that is not a problem as the transport format has no length limitations for fields at all.
The "deprecation time" in which the old terminology is faded out can then be agree e.g. to be 5 years. For UCUM, I think the case is clear: we can no longer afford to disconnect from e-healthcare - Considerably improve our relationships with other SDOs (HL7, Regenstrief, NLM) in healthcare, not considering them as "the enemy" anymore, but being prepared to learn from them, even deprecating some of our standards in favor of well-established ones in healthcare.
- As SDTM is not fit for e-Source, develop new Findings domains that are fit for e-Source, probably using LOINC and other modern coding systems as identfiers for tests. As long as not everything is e-Source, these domains will probably be in parallel with the existing domains. This time do it good: do not allow for derived and data-redundant variables.
This step is not as easy as it looks: it would mean that for these domains, SDTM becomes a real relational database, which also has the consequence that the data-redundant variables that were introduced "for ease of review" will not be present anymore (leading to higher data quality), and that review tools at the regulatory authorities will needed to be adapted, i.e. that they will need to implement "JOINS" between tables (for relational databases, this might mean creating "VIEW" tables).
This step will require a change in mentality for both CDISC and the regulatory authorities: for CDISC from "we do everything the FDA/PMDA (reviewers) ask us", to a real partnership, where CDISC helps the FDA and PMDA implementing these new, improved domains. This may mean that CDISC's own consultants work at FDA and PMDA for some time to help adapting their systems. This looks more difficult as it is, as it essentially reduces in implementing foreign keys and creating "VIEW"s on tables. Essentially, it would also mean that CDISC and FDA work together on the validation rules and their technical implementation, so that high quality validation rules and implementations of them become available, very probably as "real open source" (the current validation software used by the FDA and PMDA is less than suboptimal and based on the own interpretation of the SDTM-IGs by a commercial company) - Switch from a simple transport to a modern transport format (which might, but must not be Dataset-XML), allowing for modern review using RESTful web services, as e.g. delived by the National Library of Medicine and others, allowing "Artificial Intelligence" for considerably higher quality (and speed) of review.
- Start thinking of the SDTM of the future. Must it be tables (the world is not flat, neither is clinical data - Armando Oliva, 2009)? Execute pilots with submissions of "biomedical concepts", and "linked data" using a transport format that is independent from the model.
Long term actions
- SDTM is highly probably not the ideal way to submit information to the regulatory authorities. Even when "cleaned", removing unnecessary and redundant information, a set of tables should not be the "model", it should only be one of the many possible "views" on the data. At this moment, only the "table view" is essentially used, or it must be that some (but not all) reviewers have their own "trick box" (own tools) to get more out of the data.
- In the "middle term" period, we should already start looking into using "biomedical concepts" for submission, following ideas already developed by some of our volunteers and a number of companies. We might even already do pilots with the regulatory authorities at this point
- In the "long term" we must come to a better way of submitting information, part of which will be in the form of "biomedical concepts". When looking at HL7-FHIR, I see that their "resources" and "profiles" are extremely successful and very near to what we need in clinical research, also for submissions.
- Work together with other organizations to come to a single model for care and research in the medical world. With the upcome of wearables, site-less studies, interoperable electronic health records in many countries, we can no longer afford to work in isolation (or even claim that clinical research is "special").
Saturday, December 2, 2017
An e-Protocol Annotation Tool
As part of my professorship in medical informatics at the Institute of e-Health at the University of Applied Sciences FH Joanneum, I also have a little bit of time to do some more "basic" research. This research is often not funded, as "applied sciences" universities in Austria only get money from the state for teaching activities.
In the last days, I started working on a clinical research protocol tool.
It is still extremely primitive, but I want to share my first results with you anywhere.
The tool makes extreme usage of RESTful web services, for example the NLM RESTful web services, web services from HIPAA (require an account and token), UMLS RESTful web services, and of course, our own RESTful web services.
CDISC-SDTM annotation
Much of the information from the protocol finally goes in the SDTM submission to the FDA or PMDA. For example, there is a lot of information that goes in the SDTM "TS" (trial summary) dataset. The protocol can be annotated with the information about where the information needs to go into the TS dataset and with which parameter name.
The same info also goes into clinical trial registry submissions, ideally using the CDISC CTR-XML standard.
Here is a short demo about how the annotation works:
... and so on ...
As one can see, the user cannot only annotate the part where the code should be assigned to (yellow), but also the value of the code or parameter (green).
This one of course is a "easy pray" for an artificial intelligence program. So in my opinion, assigning and retrieving such "trial summary parameters" can easily be automated.
LOINC annotation
With this tool, annotating laboratory tests with their LOINC code becomes very easy. A simple demonstration is shown here:
SNOMED-CT annotation
For SNOMED-CT annotation, I used the UMLS RESTful web services API. Please remark that these require a UMLS account and API token, and possibly a (country) SNOMED-CT license. A short demo is shown here:
If you do not have a UMLS account and API token, you can of course always a "Google Search" which can be started from within the tool.
Other types of annotations that can currently be used are UMLS, ICD-10 (WHO) and the ATC (Anatomic, Therapeutic, Chemical) classification system for therapeutic drugs.
In the last days, I started working on a clinical research protocol tool.
It is still extremely primitive, but I want to share my first results with you anywhere.
The tool makes extreme usage of RESTful web services, for example the NLM RESTful web services, web services from HIPAA (require an account and token), UMLS RESTful web services, and of course, our own RESTful web services.
CDISC-SDTM annotation
Much of the information from the protocol finally goes in the SDTM submission to the FDA or PMDA. For example, there is a lot of information that goes in the SDTM "TS" (trial summary) dataset. The protocol can be annotated with the information about where the information needs to go into the TS dataset and with which parameter name.
The same info also goes into clinical trial registry submissions, ideally using the CDISC CTR-XML standard.
Here is a short demo about how the annotation works:
As one can see, the user cannot only annotate the part where the code should be assigned to (yellow), but also the value of the code or parameter (green).
This one of course is a "easy pray" for an artificial intelligence program. So in my opinion, assigning and retrieving such "trial summary parameters" can easily be automated.
LOINC annotation
With this tool, annotating laboratory tests with their LOINC code becomes very easy. A simple demonstration is shown here:
SNOMED-CT annotation
For SNOMED-CT annotation, I used the UMLS RESTful web services API. Please remark that these require a UMLS account and API token, and possibly a (country) SNOMED-CT license. A short demo is shown here:
If you do not have a UMLS account and API token, you can of course always a "Google Search" which can be started from within the tool.
Other types of annotations that can currently be used are UMLS, ICD-10 (WHO) and the ATC (Anatomic, Therapeutic, Chemical) classification system for therapeutic drugs.
Thursday, November 16, 2017
CDISC-CT madness: a solution
In my previous post, I reported about the ongoing madness in the development of new CDISC controlled terminology (CT) for laboratory tests, microbiology and a few others, where CDISC developed its own CT whereas much better systems (not lists) already exists.
Yesterday, I found another jewel of where this madness leads to. It is about the development of the "Ebola Therapeutic Area User Guide", and how the observations "highest temperature in the last 24 hours", "highest pulse in the last 24 hours" and "lowest blood pressure in the last 24 hours" should be represented as SDTM. Here is a small part of the very long discussion from the CDISC wiki:
In the SDTM Vital Signs dataset, systolic and diastolic blood pressure must be defined by VSTESTCD=SYSBP and VSTESTCD=DIABP. So, in the CT phylosophy, "highest value in 24 hours" must be added through an additional variable. But which one? We have other such variables, such as VSPOS (position),VSLOC (location), and VSLAT (laterality), but there is none such for expressing the "maximum value".
In the post on the SDTM wiki, it is suggested that VSTSDTL (Vital Signs Examination Detail) be added and used. The contents of it would essentially be free text which is not so well understandable by machines.
However, there is a very simple solution!
"Maximum in the period of 24 hours" is defined by LOINC. So I was not surprised that I could find exact LOINC codes for the four cases mentioned. A simple search (<5 minutes) in the LOINC database, led to following results:
All we then need to do is to add these LOINC codes in VSLOINC, and we are ready. If it were not mandated by the SDTM-IG, we could even leave VSTESTCD and VSTEST out, as the value of VSLOINC containing the LOINC code has the full and 100% correct and exact description of the test that was performed. The details of what the code means can be easily retrieved by any modern tool by e.g. using RESTful web services.
It is really time that the SDTM and CDISC-CT teams start rethinking a few things...
===== Addition =====
As a little "encore", here how you can easily find out using our RESTful web services:
What you see is a snapshot of an application developed by one my (bright) students, Ms. Eva Winter (as part of her Bachelor thesis), allowing to do a dynamic search: each time a character is entered (or after each word, by entering a space or "Enter"), the RESTful web service is called, and the list (ordered by relevance) of proposed LOINC codes is updated. The selected LOINC information can then be saved as XML or as JSON.
===== Addition 2 =====
You can of course also use the excellent LOINC RESTful web services developed by the US NLM (National Library of Medicine). For example, in order to get the 10 most relevant LOINC codes for the search term "systolic blood pressure maximum", use the request "", and you will obtain similar results in JSON format.
Yesterday, I found another jewel of where this madness leads to. It is about the development of the "Ebola Therapeutic Area User Guide", and how the observations "highest temperature in the last 24 hours", "highest pulse in the last 24 hours" and "lowest blood pressure in the last 24 hours" should be represented as SDTM. Here is a small part of the very long discussion from the CDISC wiki:
In the SDTM Vital Signs dataset, systolic and diastolic blood pressure must be defined by VSTESTCD=SYSBP and VSTESTCD=DIABP. So, in the CT phylosophy, "highest value in 24 hours" must be added through an additional variable. But which one? We have other such variables, such as VSPOS (position),VSLOC (location), and VSLAT (laterality), but there is none such for expressing the "maximum value".
In the post on the SDTM wiki, it is suggested that VSTSDTL (Vital Signs Examination Detail) be added and used. The contents of it would essentially be free text which is not so well understandable by machines.
However, there is a very simple solution!
"Maximum in the period of 24 hours" is defined by LOINC. So I was not surprised that I could find exact LOINC codes for the four cases mentioned. A simple search (<5 minutes) in the LOINC database, led to following results:
- Highest temperature in 24 hours:
LOINC Code: 8315-4
LOINC (short) Name: Body temperature:Temp:24H^max:XXX:Qn
LOINC Long (common) Name: Body temperature 24 hour maximum
- Highest pulse/heart rate in 24 hours:
LOINC Code: 8873-2LOINC (short) Name: Heart rate:NRat:24H^max:XXX:QnLOINC Long (common) Name: Heart rate 24 hour maximum - Lowest diastolic blood pressure in 24 hours:
LOINC Code: 8477-2LOINC (short) Name: Intravascular diastolic:Pres:24H^min:XXX:Qn
LOINC Long (common) Name: Diastolic blood pressure 24 hour minimum - Lowest systolic blood pressure in 24 hours:
LOINC Code: 8495-4LOINC (short) Name: Intravascular systolic:Pres:24H^min:XXX:Qn
LOINC Long (common) Name: Systolic blood pressure 24 hour minimum
All we then need to do is to add these LOINC codes in VSLOINC, and we are ready. If it were not mandated by the SDTM-IG, we could even leave VSTESTCD and VSTEST out, as the value of VSLOINC containing the LOINC code has the full and 100% correct and exact description of the test that was performed. The details of what the code means can be easily retrieved by any modern tool by e.g. using RESTful web services.
It is really time that the SDTM and CDISC-CT teams start rethinking a few things...
===== Addition =====
As a little "encore", here how you can easily find out using our RESTful web services:
What you see is a snapshot of an application developed by one my (bright) students, Ms. Eva Winter (as part of her Bachelor thesis), allowing to do a dynamic search: each time a character is entered (or after each word, by entering a space or "Enter"), the RESTful web service is called, and the list (ordered by relevance) of proposed LOINC codes is updated. The selected LOINC information can then be saved as XML or as JSON.
===== Addition 2 =====
You can of course also use the excellent LOINC RESTful web services developed by the US NLM (National Library of Medicine). For example, in order to get the 10 most relevant LOINC codes for the search term "systolic blood pressure maximum", use the request "", and you will obtain similar results in JSON format.
Sunday, November 12, 2017
Excel and other flat file data to CDISC ODM
I have been so naive ...
After 15 years of CDISC ODM standard, I believed that its use is well spread and every EDC system supports in (at least have the capability to export as ODM). The enemy is another ...
I recently was in the clinical research center of a large hospital (no, I won't say where is was). On the wall there was a list with all the clinical studies that were running (over 100 studies). Some of them are run over the whole country. The table also showed a column with "EDC system". To my surprise, in about 60% of the studies, the EDC system listed was ... MS Excel. Even one of the (national) largest studies, with thousands of patients was using Excel as "the EDC system".
I recently had a potential customer for my SDTM-ETL mapping software. I gave two web conference demonstrations, as the customer has offices in several parts of the world. One of the questions I received was "can it read data from Excel worksheets?". I was astonished ...
The SDTM-ETL mapping software uses CDISC ODM as input. Metadata is read from the "Study" element of an ODM file, allowing to use drag-and-drop for many of the SDTM variables. The mappings are stored in a define.xml file. Upon execution, the clinical data is read from an ODM file with clinical data.
When Excel is the data source however, what is the metadata? At the best, one has one or a few rows containing a label or an ID.
This all made me rethink ...
So I developed a new software to allow to transform exports from Excel as CSV files, but also other character delimited "flat" files, to CDISC ODM. I gave the software the name "ODM Generator".
With this software, clinical data centers that still use Excel or get data in any other flat file format (often the case for laboratory data) can ow easily transform these data into CDISC ODM and then combine these with metadata and clinical data from other sources.
Here is a snapshot of the main window:
In this case, the user already has selected a "flat" data file, and the system automatically recognizes that the vertical bar "|" was used as a delimiter. You can then set whether string are embedded in single or double quotes (usually the software will detect it itself - this is especially important when the delimiter is a comma). Also, if the first line of your file contains the headers of the columns, one should check the checkbox "First line contains column names". This will not only remove the first line from the loaded data, but later also propose the column names as the names for the ODM items.
In most cases, you will want to view the data as a table to see whether the import has been correctly. In order to do so, click the button "Show file as table". A new window than opens and shows all the data as a table:
Each column simply obtains a simple identifier: "F1", "F2", and so on. In case the first line contains the column headers, these are shown as a tooltip on the column:
One can then start generating the ODM metadata by clicking the button "Start generating ODM metadata". The system will then analyze the data in the dataset and make a first proposal for the data types, the maximal length and other "ODM Item" metadata:
In case the first line contains the column names, the result is slightly different:
i.e. the column names will be proposed the become the "Item Name". One can now start completing the proposed metadata that will be used to generate an ODM.
Using the "validate" button (near the bottom) is always a good idea as some of the fields are mandatory or optional depending of the datatype:
A result of such a validation may for example be:
For fields 12, 13, and 18, a maximal length of 0 was set. In this case, this was due to the complete absence of data for this field in the source data.
In the next step, we want to assign the field containing the subject ID, and the visits, the forms, and the groups of items.
Based on the metadata, we see that the field "Subject ID or Identifier" (F12) is a very good candidate. We however also see (from the table with the actual data) that it is never populated. So we will use field 11 (Screen ID) as the subject identifier.
In order to do so, we use the dropdown for "Field for Subject ID", and select "F11":
The second level we need is the visit. Here field 20 "Visit ID or number" is a very good candidate:
and select "F20" from the dropdown for "Field for Visit (StudyEvent)":
We also need to define the ID of the form ("Field for form"). However, we don't find anything. Obviously, we might want that all these laboratory data go into a single form. So, we don't select anything for the dropdown "Field for Form". If no selection in one of the dropdowns on top of the window has been made, the system will always assume that there is a single one, and generate it itself. So the top of our window looks like:
In many cases, we will not want that all data goes into the ODM. For example, we could limit the data that go into the ODM to those that we later want to map to SDTM using the SDTM-ETL software. So we only select those fields that are of interest for further processing. For example:
We include fields 5 (Study ID), 8 (Site ID), 9 (Investigator ID), 10 (Investigator Name), 15 (Subject Sex) and a good number of other ones (not visible in the above image). Remark that in most cases, we will not select fields for which there is no data. In this case, we can easily detect them as the suggest value for "Length" is 0. This will not always be the case, as we might have a file where some data is missing, whereas we expect it in later files.
Also remark that field 11 has disappeared from the list, as we selected it for the "Field for Subject ID" and thus is included automatically.
When we now do a validation (using the "Validate" button) we see that only the selected fields are validated. If we still find validation issues, we might want to change our selection.
It is now time to save our mappings!
We do so using the button "Save mappings" which we find near the bottom of the window:
When we later want to continue or work, or transform another file with similar data, we can simply load this mappings file from within the main window using the "Load Prior Mappings" button:
This mappings file can also later be used when doing batch processing of files with data (software currently in development).
In our "mappings" window, we can now start generating the ODM metadata and data using the button "Export as ODM":
A dialog is displayed:
You might want to either generate only the metadata (this will generate an ODM "Study" file), clinical data only (this will generate an ODM "ClinicalData" file), or a file with as well metadata (Study definition) as well as clinical data.
The second option will usually be used when you already generated the metadata before and you have loaded earlier developed mappings.
If we want to have our ODM study metadata and the clinical data in separate files, we first select "Metadata only", do an export, then select "Clinical data only" and then do a separate export for the clinical data only.
In our case, we want to have as well metadata as clinical data, so we select "Metadata + clinical data". After clicking the "OK" button, a new dialog is displayed asking us to provide a study identifier (in ODM: StudyOID). We use "MyStudy":
Again after "OK", a file selector is displayed allowing us to define where the file needs to be created and with which file name.
The ODM file that is then generated looks like:
with 3 "StudyEvents" generated (from the data itself), a single "default" form (as we selected nothing for the dropdown for "Form"), and a single "default" ItemGroup:
For each of the selected fields, we also see the metadata generated:
When collapsing each of the "SubjectData", we see that clinical data for 3 subjects (taken from the source file) have been generated:
If we have saved the study metadata as a separate file, we could start refining the study metadata e.g. using the "ODM Study Designer" software, add the "question" for each data point definition (optional), adding codelists and their references (e.g. for "Subject Sex"), and even add SDTM mapping information using the "Alias" mechanism. We can validate our ODM metadata and data using the (for CDISC members free) "ODM Checker", and generate and execute mappings to SDTM using the SDTM-ETL software.
In near future, we will extend the features of the "ODM Generator". A few ideas we already have:
After 15 years of CDISC ODM standard, I believed that its use is well spread and every EDC system supports in (at least have the capability to export as ODM). The enemy is another ...
I recently was in the clinical research center of a large hospital (no, I won't say where is was). On the wall there was a list with all the clinical studies that were running (over 100 studies). Some of them are run over the whole country. The table also showed a column with "EDC system". To my surprise, in about 60% of the studies, the EDC system listed was ... MS Excel. Even one of the (national) largest studies, with thousands of patients was using Excel as "the EDC system".
I recently had a potential customer for my SDTM-ETL mapping software. I gave two web conference demonstrations, as the customer has offices in several parts of the world. One of the questions I received was "can it read data from Excel worksheets?". I was astonished ...
The SDTM-ETL mapping software uses CDISC ODM as input. Metadata is read from the "Study" element of an ODM file, allowing to use drag-and-drop for many of the SDTM variables. The mappings are stored in a define.xml file. Upon execution, the clinical data is read from an ODM file with clinical data.
When Excel is the data source however, what is the metadata? At the best, one has one or a few rows containing a label or an ID.
This all made me rethink ...
So I developed a new software to allow to transform exports from Excel as CSV files, but also other character delimited "flat" files, to CDISC ODM. I gave the software the name "ODM Generator".
With this software, clinical data centers that still use Excel or get data in any other flat file format (often the case for laboratory data) can ow easily transform these data into CDISC ODM and then combine these with metadata and clinical data from other sources.
Here is a snapshot of the main window:
In this case, the user already has selected a "flat" data file, and the system automatically recognizes that the vertical bar "|" was used as a delimiter. You can then set whether string are embedded in single or double quotes (usually the software will detect it itself - this is especially important when the delimiter is a comma). Also, if the first line of your file contains the headers of the columns, one should check the checkbox "First line contains column names". This will not only remove the first line from the loaded data, but later also propose the column names as the names for the ODM items.
In most cases, you will want to view the data as a table to see whether the import has been correctly. In order to do so, click the button "Show file as table". A new window than opens and shows all the data as a table:
Each column simply obtains a simple identifier: "F1", "F2", and so on. In case the first line contains the column headers, these are shown as a tooltip on the column:
One can then start generating the ODM metadata by clicking the button "Start generating ODM metadata". The system will then analyze the data in the dataset and make a first proposal for the data types, the maximal length and other "ODM Item" metadata:
In case the first line contains the column names, the result is slightly different:
i.e. the column names will be proposed the become the "Item Name". One can now start completing the proposed metadata that will be used to generate an ODM.
Using the "validate" button (near the bottom) is always a good idea as some of the fields are mandatory or optional depending of the datatype:
A result of such a validation may for example be:
For fields 12, 13, and 18, a maximal length of 0 was set. In this case, this was due to the complete absence of data for this field in the source data.
In the next step, we want to assign the field containing the subject ID, and the visits, the forms, and the groups of items.
Based on the metadata, we see that the field "Subject ID or Identifier" (F12) is a very good candidate. We however also see (from the table with the actual data) that it is never populated. So we will use field 11 (Screen ID) as the subject identifier.
In order to do so, we use the dropdown for "Field for Subject ID", and select "F11":
The second level we need is the visit. Here field 20 "Visit ID or number" is a very good candidate:
and select "F20" from the dropdown for "Field for Visit (StudyEvent)":
We also need to define the ID of the form ("Field for form"). However, we don't find anything. Obviously, we might want that all these laboratory data go into a single form. So, we don't select anything for the dropdown "Field for Form". If no selection in one of the dropdowns on top of the window has been made, the system will always assume that there is a single one, and generate it itself. So the top of our window looks like:
In many cases, we will not want that all data goes into the ODM. For example, we could limit the data that go into the ODM to those that we later want to map to SDTM using the SDTM-ETL software. So we only select those fields that are of interest for further processing. For example:
We include fields 5 (Study ID), 8 (Site ID), 9 (Investigator ID), 10 (Investigator Name), 15 (Subject Sex) and a good number of other ones (not visible in the above image). Remark that in most cases, we will not select fields for which there is no data. In this case, we can easily detect them as the suggest value for "Length" is 0. This will not always be the case, as we might have a file where some data is missing, whereas we expect it in later files.
Also remark that field 11 has disappeared from the list, as we selected it for the "Field for Subject ID" and thus is included automatically.
When we now do a validation (using the "Validate" button) we see that only the selected fields are validated. If we still find validation issues, we might want to change our selection.
It is now time to save our mappings!
We do so using the button "Save mappings" which we find near the bottom of the window:
A file chooser will pop up, with a file chooser, allowing you to select a
file and location. The generated file is a simple text file, with the
content looking like:
When we later want to continue or work, or transform another file with similar data, we can simply load this mappings file from within the main window using the "Load Prior Mappings" button:
This mappings file can also later be used when doing batch processing of files with data (software currently in development).
In our "mappings" window, we can now start generating the ODM metadata and data using the button "Export as ODM":
A dialog is displayed:
You might want to either generate only the metadata (this will generate an ODM "Study" file), clinical data only (this will generate an ODM "ClinicalData" file), or a file with as well metadata (Study definition) as well as clinical data.
The second option will usually be used when you already generated the metadata before and you have loaded earlier developed mappings.
If we want to have our ODM study metadata and the clinical data in separate files, we first select "Metadata only", do an export, then select "Clinical data only" and then do a separate export for the clinical data only.
In our case, we want to have as well metadata as clinical data, so we select "Metadata + clinical data". After clicking the "OK" button, a new dialog is displayed asking us to provide a study identifier (in ODM: StudyOID). We use "MyStudy":
After "OK" again, a new dialog is displayed asking us for the study
name, description and protocol title. These will go into the ODM
elements "StudyName", "StudyDescription" and "ProtocolName":
Again after "OK", a file selector is displayed allowing us to define where the file needs to be created and with which file name.
The ODM file that is then generated looks like:
with 3 "StudyEvents" generated (from the data itself), a single "default" form (as we selected nothing for the dropdown for "Form"), and a single "default" ItemGroup:
For each of the selected fields, we also see the metadata generated:
and with clinical data having:
When collapsing each of the "SubjectData", we see that clinical data for 3 subjects (taken from the source file) have been generated:
If we have saved the study metadata as a separate file, we could start refining the study metadata e.g. using the "ODM Study Designer" software, add the "question" for each data point definition (optional), adding codelists and their references (e.g. for "Subject Sex"), and even add SDTM mapping information using the "Alias" mechanism. We can validate our ODM metadata and data using the (for CDISC members free) "ODM Checker", and generate and execute mappings to SDTM using the SDTM-ETL software.
In near future, we will extend the features of the "ODM Generator". A few ideas we already have:
- batch execution using saved mappings
- different ItemGroups. For example for lab files, this can be based on the "test category"
- further refinement of the automatically generated proposals in the metadata
Sunday, October 22, 2017
CDISC-CT: the madness goes on
I recently installed the newest CDISC controlled terminology (CDISC-CT) version 2017-09-29 in my databases for use with our CDISC RESTful web services.
When doing so, I noticed that more than 30 new lab test codes (LBTESTCD/LBTEST) have been added, this although the FDA has mandated the use of LOINC coding (in variable LBLOINC) as of March 15th, 2018. The SDTM-IG still states that LBLOINC is the "Dictionary-derived LOINC Code for LBTEST", but in most real cases, it is just the other way around: LBTESTCD and LBTEST are derived from the LOINC code, as that is what is delivered (or should be delivered) by the central or hospital labs. So esssentially, LBLOINC should be the "topic variable", not LBTESTCD.
Already more than 2 years ago, I published an article "An alternative CDISC-Submission Domain for Laboratory Data (LB) for Use with Electronic Health Record Data" which was well received, except for within CDISC. I had hoped it would become a starting point for a discussion within CDISC about how we avoid "the reinvention of the wheel" in SDTM, and better connect to the controlled terminology and coding systems that are worldwide used in healthcare. It looks however that the CDISC-CT refuses to correct its course, and goes on developing "lists of terms" that do not have a connection with what is used in healthcare and in science in general.
Except from terms for lab tests, CDISC has also developed lists of ... microorganisms (codelist MICROORG, NCI code C85491), in the latest version containing 1506 terms.
When I recently discussed this codelist with people from a tropical medicine institute, they asked my about the systematics and taxonomy of this codelist. Unfortunately, I had to admit that the codelist 'MICROORG' does not have a system nor taxonomy at all - it is just a list. They then asked me why CDISC is not using a worldwide used system that has a taxonomy and relations between them such as the NCBI taxonomy of cellular organisms.
The CDISC-CT codelist "MICROORG" contains the term "Absidia", without any information about its relationship with other organisms. Only in the "CDISC Definition" column, it states (as narrative text, i.e. unstructured) that it is a fungus. Such narrative texts are barely machine-interpretable, and thus also unsuitable for use in e.g. artificial intelligence systems.
Just for fun, I entered "Absidia" in the NCBI taxonomy browser. This is the result I got:
It does not only show me that there are a lot of types of "Absidia", it also shows me that it belongs to the "family" of "cunninghamellaceae", the "order" of "mucorales", which is in the "subphylum" of "mucoromycotina" which is in ..., i.e. we can easily retrieve the whole taxonomy. Through the "taxonomy ID" (4828), we could easily use RESTful web services to have our own systems find out information about this organism and e.g. to build "networks of knowledge" (I haven't checked yet whether such a RESTful service is provided by NCBI - one is surely provided by UMLS).
Does CDISC-CT provide this functionality? Not at all. It even does not provide us any information about how we can generate the CDISC term (which is surely not used in laboratories) from the usually used term such as the NCBI term.
So, also for microorganisms, it does not make sense CDISC "reinventing the wheel" and to develop and maintain "yet-another-codelist".
In my opinion, CDISC should stop developing codelists for which better, internationally recognized, systems or nomenclature already exists. Examples are LOINC for lab tests, UCUM for units, NCBI for microorganisms. CDISC should deprecate the own codelists ("lists of terms") when such a better, internationally recognized" system exists.
Some people will immediately state that this will lead to extra columns in the SDTM tables and undermines the SDTM systematics "test code / test name / test result", where for each domain, there is only one (CDISC) codelist for the test code allowed.
My proposal is that when such a better system exists, there would not only be a column "test code", but also a column "codelist system", containing either the "CDISC codelist name", or the name of the international coding system. For the latter, we can orient ourselves to the code systems used in FHIR:
So in order to make the next "quantum leap", and move SDTM out of the 20th century, we must not only start to use the internationally recognized code systems (instead of developing and maintaining our own "reinvention of the wheel" codelists), we must also finally get rid of SAS Transport 5 and move to a modern XML / JSON / RDF representation of SDTM data. For the latter, we need the cooperation of the FDA who stills mandates the use of this 30-year old, completely outdated format.
For the CDISC controlled terminology, we need a change in mentality in the CDISC-CT development teams. If that doesn't work or doesn't happen, it is time that the CDISC board takes action:
When doing so, I noticed that more than 30 new lab test codes (LBTESTCD/LBTEST) have been added, this although the FDA has mandated the use of LOINC coding (in variable LBLOINC) as of March 15th, 2018. The SDTM-IG still states that LBLOINC is the "Dictionary-derived LOINC Code for LBTEST", but in most real cases, it is just the other way around: LBTESTCD and LBTEST are derived from the LOINC code, as that is what is delivered (or should be delivered) by the central or hospital labs. So esssentially, LBLOINC should be the "topic variable", not LBTESTCD.
Already more than 2 years ago, I published an article "An alternative CDISC-Submission Domain for Laboratory Data (LB) for Use with Electronic Health Record Data" which was well received, except for within CDISC. I had hoped it would become a starting point for a discussion within CDISC about how we avoid "the reinvention of the wheel" in SDTM, and better connect to the controlled terminology and coding systems that are worldwide used in healthcare. It looks however that the CDISC-CT refuses to correct its course, and goes on developing "lists of terms" that do not have a connection with what is used in healthcare and in science in general.
Except from terms for lab tests, CDISC has also developed lists of ... microorganisms (codelist MICROORG, NCI code C85491), in the latest version containing 1506 terms.
When I recently discussed this codelist with people from a tropical medicine institute, they asked my about the systematics and taxonomy of this codelist. Unfortunately, I had to admit that the codelist 'MICROORG' does not have a system nor taxonomy at all - it is just a list. They then asked me why CDISC is not using a worldwide used system that has a taxonomy and relations between them such as the NCBI taxonomy of cellular organisms.
The CDISC-CT codelist "MICROORG" contains the term "Absidia", without any information about its relationship with other organisms. Only in the "CDISC Definition" column, it states (as narrative text, i.e. unstructured) that it is a fungus. Such narrative texts are barely machine-interpretable, and thus also unsuitable for use in e.g. artificial intelligence systems.
Just for fun, I entered "Absidia" in the NCBI taxonomy browser. This is the result I got:
It does not only show me that there are a lot of types of "Absidia", it also shows me that it belongs to the "family" of "cunninghamellaceae", the "order" of "mucorales", which is in the "subphylum" of "mucoromycotina" which is in ..., i.e. we can easily retrieve the whole taxonomy. Through the "taxonomy ID" (4828), we could easily use RESTful web services to have our own systems find out information about this organism and e.g. to build "networks of knowledge" (I haven't checked yet whether such a RESTful service is provided by NCBI - one is surely provided by UMLS).
Does CDISC-CT provide this functionality? Not at all. It even does not provide us any information about how we can generate the CDISC term (which is surely not used in laboratories) from the usually used term such as the NCBI term.
So, also for microorganisms, it does not make sense CDISC "reinventing the wheel" and to develop and maintain "yet-another-codelist".
In my opinion, CDISC should stop developing codelists for which better, internationally recognized, systems or nomenclature already exists. Examples are LOINC for lab tests, UCUM for units, NCBI for microorganisms. CDISC should deprecate the own codelists ("lists of terms") when such a better, internationally recognized" system exists.
Some people will immediately state that this will lead to extra columns in the SDTM tables and undermines the SDTM systematics "test code / test name / test result", where for each domain, there is only one (CDISC) codelist for the test code allowed.
My proposal is that when such a better system exists, there would not only be a column "test code", but also a column "codelist system", containing either the "CDISC codelist name", or the name of the international coding system. For the latter, we can orient ourselves to the code systems used in FHIR:
If there is only 1 code system used within a table, it can just be listed as an "ExternalCodeList" in the define.xml.
This also means that in many of the "Findings" SDTM tables, only those "record qualifiers" can be maintained that are really necessary. For example, when using LOINC for lab tests, LBCAT, LBSCAT, LBSPEC and LBMETHOD become obsolete, as they are already provided by the LOINC code itself, and can easily be retrieved (in addition to a lot of even more useful information) by any modern application through the use of RESTful web services.
A major roadblock to come to a considerable better SDTM, with
"biomedical concepts" instead of "rows in tables" is still the SAS
Transport format. It does not allows us to have codes longer than 8
characters (Oh my God, what time are we living in), it does even not
allow us to have a compact format for test results like in FHIR:
or even to provide different codes in different code systems:
So in order to make the next "quantum leap", and move SDTM out of the 20th century, we must not only start to use the internationally recognized code systems (instead of developing and maintaining our own "reinvention of the wheel" codelists), we must also finally get rid of SAS Transport 5 and move to a modern XML / JSON / RDF representation of SDTM data. For the latter, we need the cooperation of the FDA who stills mandates the use of this 30-year old, completely outdated format.
For the CDISC controlled terminology, we need a change in mentality in the CDISC-CT development teams. If that doesn't work or doesn't happen, it is time that the CDISC board takes action:
Saturday, September 2, 2017
Alexa, can I put mm[Hg] in VSORRESU?
This blog entry is an extension to the discussions on thePinnacle21 forum and a discussion on the “LinkedInSDTM Experts” forum regarding the “standardization” of “original
result units”, and the controversial CDISC
codelist, and the use of UCUM notation.
We live in an era where artificial intelligence (AI) and
machine learning (ML) are booming. But, in order to apply it to CDISC SDTM, we
need an information basis. This basis should probably be the SDTM-IG.
Unfortunately, the SDTM-IGs are all published as PDF documents, which are
essentially not machine-interpretable. This makes the information very hard to
implement in software, and e.g. apply AI.
For example, when I work with electronic health records
(EHRs), for which I get the blood pressure readings with the unit “mm[Hg]” (UCUM notation – THE international standard
for unit notation), and I want to know whether I should copy “mm[Hg]” into
VSORRESU, or whether I need to replace it with the CDISC notation “mmHg” from
the CDISC “UNIT” codelist, I must (as a human) start “fighting” myself through the SDTM-IG and hope
to find an answer there.
What would such an SDTM-AI system need to be able to answer such questions? First it needs to know that “mm[Hg]” and “mmHg” are semantically identical. However, “mm[Hg]” isn’t even listed in the CDISC controlled terminology as a “synonym”, this although it is a term from the international standardized notation in international sciences, healthcare, engineering, and business. Secondly, it would require that the SDTM-IG is in a machine-readable format (PDF isn’t), with clearly defined rules (if possible machine-interpretable, like in the CDISC “SDTM-IG Conformance Rules”).
If we look at the different versions of the SDTM-IG, we
observe that the published (PDF) document grows considerably with each new version.
For example, SDTM-IG v.3.1.2 (2008) has 298 pages, whereas the version 3.2 (2013) has
398 pages, excluding the IGs for medical devices (additional 60 pages) and for
associated persons (additional 31 pages). When I first took the 2-day SDTM
course a number of years ago, the trainer (Peter VR) could explain everything
(including all domains and the “assumptions”) in these 2 days. I recently asked
him whether this is nowadays still possible and he answered me that it is not,
and that the training can only treat the principles, and even not all the
domains. Also the complexity has increased, and in my opinion, the “learning curve” has considerably steepened with each new version of the
IG, making it very hard for beginners to start working with SDTM. I sometimes
think about asking our university to set up a master degree in CDISC-SDTM, with
addition of an additional study year at each new published version of the SDTM-IG ...
At the same time, the SDTM validation software used by the FDA
(developed by a company with no ties to CDISC) has contributed to the
confusion by defining validation rules that are over-interpretations of the
SDTM-IG, are just wrong or throw a large amount of false positives.
The “SDTM-IG Conformance Rules” published by CDISC itself were a great step forward, but essentially came too late – they should have been published together with the SDTM-IG itself, and even better, as part of the IG. These rules have also been implemented under the “OpenRules for CDISC Standards”initiative in a modern, completely open format.
The “SDTM-IG Conformance Rules” published by CDISC itself were a great step forward, but essentially came too late – they should have been published together with the SDTM-IG itself, and even better, as part of the IG. These rules have also been implemented under the “OpenRules for CDISC Standards”initiative in a modern, completely open format.
SDTM and artificial intelligence (AI)
Instead of needing to have a “master
degree in SDTM”, wouldn’t it be better that one (or even
better, our computer programs) just queries something like “Alexa, can I put mm[Hg]
in VSORRESU?”? Alexa then would probably
answer something like “No,
Jozef, you need to replace mm[Hg] by mmHg as both are semantically the same and
the latter is part of CDISC controlled terminology and the former is not, and
CDISC does unfortunately not allow UCUM notation yet”.
A first simple proposal for a machine-readable SDTM-IG has been made in the past, but this proposal seems to have gone almost unnoticed by the SDTM team (SDTM team members: please correct me if I am wrong!), and the next version of the IG (likely to have 500 pages or more?) will be published as … PDF. A request to also publish the next SDTM-IG as XML has unfortunately been turned down by the CDISC SDTM team:
In order for the "SDTM-Alexa" (SDTM-AI system) to provide an answer to the question whether "mm[Hg]" (from the EHR) can be put into VSORRESU, the system needs to find the guidance in the SDTM-IG. Here it is (with many thanks to Carlo R for looking up and bringing it up in the discussion - ), from “Assumption 7” in the SDTM-IG, LB (“laboratory”) section:
essentially stating that one should first check whether the
own term/unit (in this case “mm[Hg]”) is listed as a “synonym” for “something else” in the CDISC controlled terminology, and if not found, a “new term request” should be submitted to CDISC.
Honestly said, the latter is not a real option, as this process usually takes 6 months or more, and if the request is turned down, zero progress is made.
Honestly said, the latter is not a real option, as this process usually takes 6 months or more, and if the request is turned down, zero progress is made.
In our earlier proposed prototype of a SDTM-IG in XML, each “Assumption” is an own XML element instance, for example:
Although structured, this doesn't make it machine-executable nor suitable for AI. In order to make it usable for AI or ML, we need a machine-executable expression or an algorith, which could look like:
Although structured, this doesn’t make it machine-executable. In order to be able to use
this in AI, we need a machine-executable expression or an algorithm, which
could look like:
a) Submit the “suspected synonym” to a web service (or other system) that looks whether the value (“mm[Hg]” in this case) has been published by CDISC-CT as a synonym, and if so, for what it is a synonym.
b) If the answer is “no” (or “null”), automatically make a request to the NCI
b) If the answer is “no” (or “null”), automatically make a request to the NCI
As the latter is not really an option, b) could be replaced by:
c) Extend the “UNIT” codelist in the define.xml with the own term, and put the “own term” in VSORRESU.
For step a) I created a RESTful web service this morning
which is documented at:
If one submits our example “mm[Hg]” to the RESTful web service (,
one obtains:

Containing an empty response meaning that “mm[Hg]” is not found to be a “synonym” of anything. This is rather strange as this is the mandatory notation in EHRs, but this does not seem to be honored yet by the CDISC-CT team.
Another example would be e.g. that we have measured a concentration in “mol/m3” for which we than submit a request to the RESTful web service with the result:
stating that there IS a synonym for “mol/dm3” and
that we need to replace it by “mmol/L” in LBORRESU.
So, all that would be needed is that such an algorithm is
expressed as a machine-readable expression, and add it as such (probably by
using a child element) to the “Assumption” element in the XML version of the
Some other “rules” or “assumptions” that could easily be implemented in
a machine-readable SDTM-IG and can then be used for AI are things like that “—DY” values
are not allowed to be “0”, so that a system could ask
questions like “Alexa, can VSDY be 0?”
This is just one of the first ideas I have for first coming
to a machine-readable SDTM-IG and then to “smart
SDTM systems” using “artificial intelligence” or “machine
learning”. This would not only greatly
help flattening the very steep (and with each IG-version becoming steeper)
learning curve, but also allow to automate mapping steps that are now done
manually and, maybe even more important, help avoiding the many different
interpretations of the SDTM-IG.
It however requires that the SDTM development team moves
away from generating the SDTM-IG from Word documents (CDISC-JIRA may be of help
here), with highly structured content (can be done using a database) and that
the team allows specialists from other domains (XML, AI, …) to work with them and have a voice
in the development.
We have self-driving cars, but for SDTM, we still rely on
30-year old technology. High time that we do something about this.
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