Friday, November 6, 2015

Making CDISC ODM fit for RESTful web services

ODM exists for about 12 years now, the last version (1.3.1) being published in 2010 which was essentially a minor update of the 1.3.0 version that was published almost 10 years ago (2006).
A lot has changed in the world of informatics since then. In 2006, we were still using SOAP web services, and the very-hard-to-learn HL7-CDA (an implementation of HL7-v3) was just published. It seems like ages ...

Although HL7-CDA has an extremely steep learning curve (I do know - I teach it at the university, and some of my students suffer), it has been the way to exchange electronic health records between different systems from different organizations). But the price was high...

A few years ago, some developers were so dissatisfied with HL7-v3 that they started something rather different. Unexpectedly, their effort was blessed by HL7: HL7-FHIR was born.

When I look at CDISC ODM, it see that it has some things in common with FHIR: reuse of building blocks. In FHIR, you define a patient (resource "Patient") or a health care provider (resource "Practitioner") once, and can reference it many times. Just like the "ref-def" mechanism in ODM.
HL7-CDA doesn't have this at all due to it's very tight binding to the RIM.

There is however also a distinct difference: FHIR has been developed for use with RESTful web services: you can reference a resource that is somewhere else out there, maybe on another machine, maybe at the other end of the world. You just use an HTTP request and get the information. To guarantee privacy and security, you can use OAuth.
In ODM, you can import information from other sources, using the "Include" element and mechanism. However, the latter just tells the system which prior study design must be included (by Study-OID and MetaDataVersion-OID), but not where it is and how that should be done.
In ODM, we e.g. define an ItemDef once (giving it an ID by using the OID attribute) and can reference it several times. The corresponding ItemDef must be within the same "MetaDataVersion", or be included through the "Include" mechanism. The match is made over the OID. For example:

<ItemGroupDef OID="IG.DEMOG" Name="Demographics" Repeating="No">
    <ItemRef ItemOID="IT.BIRTHDATE" Mandatory="Yes"/>
<ItemDef OID="IT.BIRTHDATE" Name="Date of birth" DataType="date" ...

Now, wouldn't it be nice if we could just see an "ItemDef" as a building block that "is somewhere out there" and that we can get from a web service (like an FHIR "resource"). Something like:

<ItemRef ItemRefWS="" Mandatory="Yes" />

When the system encounters an "ItemRefWS" it just triggers a RESTful web service, and obtains an ItemDef object back (this can be an XML snippet).

Let's see this in the context of SHARE. Couldn't we just retrieve a codelist using a web service from SHARE? Something like:

<ItemDef OID="IT.SEX" Name="Sex" DataType="text" ...>
    <CodeListRef CodeListRefWS="" />

where "CodeListRefWS" triggers a web service and retrieves the complete codelist (version 2015-06-26) from the SHARE repository.

Does this make sense? Comments are once again very welcome...

1 comment:

  1. I like the idea of reforming something that comes from 2006. Once a study starts, and the code list changes - it may be a problem that later patients will have different codelist than earlier patients.
